Trust & Simplicity: How Government Can Lead the Way on AI
Potomac Ballroom A, B, C, D
With AI bringing extraordinary opportunities for innovation, the U.S. Federal government faces a leadership imperative. How can the Federal government serve as a catalyst for advancing AI safely – crucial for U.S. global economic leadership and national security? And how are agencies developing and deploying responsible AI to create simple, intuitive interactions that build trust in government and deliver better results for Americans, including in response to Executive Order 14110 on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence?
This panel will explore how agencies are:
- Preparing to implement enhanced AI
- Using the latest technologies to build citizen trust and strengthen partnerships
- Ensuring AI is developed and deployed to strengthen and expedite processes
Session Speakers

Deputy Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Director, Domestic and International Cybersecurity Policy, Office of Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection
Department of the Treasury